First of all, Friday I finally got all my stuff together that i needed to mail my camera in to be serviced.So naturally I got up and went to the post office not the zoo as Adam would of done. So I should plan on having it back in the palm of my hands by next weekend or Monday the 19Th. As a result of that, plan on seeing some high quality digital snapshots of nothing of any importance.
Second thing, I know its cool that you can upload a butt load of pictures onto your Facebook/myspace account, but that doesn't mean you have to use all of it! Especially blurred, indiscernible pictures that seem to go on forever. Its cool if it was like a artistic type shot of a person through a beer glass or anything in that nature, but seriously why the f would you post 5 blurry shots of the same darn person scratching his ass?? Why?
you post the blur pics for funsies
I'm glad your so easily amused.
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