I am sure you all heard the quote... "Necessity... the mother of invention." by Plato. Well in my case its:
"Laziness is the bear necessities."
This little crude contraption(see figure 1.0) I rigged up in about 15 minutes saves me an average of two and a half hours per job. And as of now there are two jobs that need to be taken care of. This contraption uses space age hot wire technology to cut polystyrene patterns otherwise known to you lesser people as Styrofoam patterns.
When I say job i mean a rainbow shaped piece of polystyrene. (as seen in figure 1.1) It has a diameter, from outside edge to outside edge, of roughly 20 feet. Its height is 49 inches with a thickness of 16 inches.In figure 1.1 you see the pattern standing up, the view shows the thickness and length but not the height.
My mission whether I like it or not is to cut it down to a height of 29 inches. The given method of using a handsaw or a saws all takes anywhere from two and a half hours to all day depending on how I feel that day.
I now open the floor for Q & A.
Dude your making rainbows? I had my suspicions but now I know the truth.
Someone has to make lucky charms for the charmless, matt.
and we ALL know matt dude needs some charm
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