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Crump, Michigan, United States
"My brain is in another deminsion currently and the only way to communicate with it, is through a dial up connection." -PW-

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Be Ry

Prolly not gonna be able to throw Gm's annual report on the ice at the spirit game. Yeah I have an wierd schedule that makes it hard to get everything done in a day and I decided that I will have to cut a few things outta the plans for the weekend.

Started making Adam coat rack today...I made sure that it was a delux model with a butt laod of hooks for your jacket and blazer needs.

Lastly I started thinking about June and what I wanted to accomplishde. I have a few idea on what i wanna do but I ma still in the brainstormign mode. My dyslexia is pretty bad today, after the first paragraph thingy i got tired of slpell checking everything.

Well Im off to the turf i call home to have a nice cherry soda.

------Sarcastic Statement Of the Day------

"She is the thin layer of paint or lacquer between him and the bottom of the barrel."


Adam J. said...

hey b roney

looking forward to this coat rack.

PolishWonder said...

Yeah if i ever show up for work to get it done it'll be super... duper... serial sweet.