About Me

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Crump, Michigan, United States
"My brain is in another deminsion currently and the only way to communicate with it, is through a dial up connection." -PW-

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Unmask the Maskless Avenger!!

Tday pretty much went as ussuall. I went to work and hung out there for awhile.

I called adam to see if he wanted to go to saginasty wid me but he claimed he had to stay with jer but they could of both very well of came along i woulda drove.

Went to my optrician and found out my eyes got better and for a really good reason if i saw so my self. ;)

Went into circut city and did some BSin with the clerks and got the info i needed to get my camera repaired. And stopped by delta.

Just chillaxin as of now and wondering about the impending all star game i am supposed to attend tomorrow.

Theres a few questions still left unasked....


Matt said...

were you heavily medicated when you typed this out?

PolishWonder said...

Thats one of the many questions that was not asked.